Welcome to Cosham Community Choir!

Cosham community choir restarts on Monday 6th January 2025 at Cosham Baptist Church. See below for times and fees.

New members are very welcome (14yrs and older).

Information on the choir

Cosham Community Choir was started in January 2011 and is for anyone over the age of 14 who would like to sing. The mission of our members is simple - to make music entertaining, and to make entertaining music! Every rehearsal includes singing in a variety of styles, such as film scores, show tunes,  gospel, classical, folk, and pop.

To show you the range of music we sing, here are some of the pieces we have performed in the past few years:

  • Show tunes: medleys from Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, West Side Story & Phantom of the Opera.
  • Popular songs: Sting's "Fields of Gold", the Beach Boys' "Barbara Ann"
  • Sacred classical music: Vivaldi's Gloria, Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
  • Secular / folk music: Henry VIII's "Pastime with good company", Holst's "My sweetheart's like Venus"
  • Spirituals: "Swing Low" & popular Gospel
  • Sea Shanties
  • Seasonal songs: "Walking in the Air" (from The Snowman), Rutter's "Colours of Christmas", carols

We welcome all voices and are particularly keen to encourage tenors, baritones and basses.

We rehearse every Monday from 19:15 until 20:45 during term time at the Cosham Baptist Church on Havant Road, Portsmouth.  Choir Plus is from 20.45 to 21.15.  You can find directions and travel information at the Cosham Baptist Church website.

Membership Fee of the choir costs £8 (one off payment) and each rehearsal is £4.50 per week or £40 per term. If you would like to join the choir, simply turn up to one of our Monday rehearsals and give it a try. Your first session will be free! After that you can pay per session until you decide to become a member. Music for all the main choir items is loaned to members free of charge from our music library.